Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Conspiracies | The B.U.G. (Bronzeville Urban Green)


I rarely subscribe to conspiracy theories.? I should say I didn?t so much in the past.? As I get older I am seeing way too many patterns that seem to point to big conspiracies, some intentional, some maybe not so much.

A friend and colleague posted something on my face book page about a mathematical association between improving economic indices and increased ?birther? activity.? The better the economy, the more ?birthers? start to scream that Obama is not an American citizen, puleeze!? Is it a conspiracy?? I think so.? birthermath

Were the rabid stock market deals involving derivatives a conspiracy or was it simply a coincidence that financial guru Alan Greenspan lobbied heavily for congress to keep hands off regulating in spite of warnings from people like Brooksley Born?? When everything went to hell in a hand basket all Greenspan had to say to congress was ?sorry,I guess I was wrong?.? Puleeze! WarningFrontline

Are the huge increases in aluminum contents in samples of soil, water and snow just coincidentally in areas with increased chemtrails secondary to geo-engineering?? Is it a coincidence that aluminum in the soil is poisonous to plants, especially food crops and Monsanto is developing an aluminum resistant seed?? Could this possibly be part of a plot by agribusiness giant Monsanto to further control the world?s food supply?? farmwars Discoverycontrails

Could the war on drugs be a sham because governments and corporations make so much money in the drug business? Policing for profit Frontline Who Profits from Drugs Smoke and Mirrors

Is it even possible that the push to increase privatized charter schools in low income minority communities ,even though new studies show the last 10 years of school reforms driven by leading corporate and financial interests, including turning increasingly to charter schools, have barely made a difference in student achievement, ?part of some plot? ChicagoCharter Schools GapersBlockPrivatization

Could the lack of education, vocational training programs, green jobs training, diminished number
of minorities eligible for union jobs be part of a conspiracy to keep the numbers of economically disadvantaged citizens increasing?? crime and education

Is there a connection between increasing poverty and crime that is exacerbated by lack of education and employment and could this be part of a plan?

Is that planning a force in privatizing the prisons and creating?the most lucrative prison industrial complex in history?privatizingprisons

Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/bronzeville-urban-green/2012/03/conspiracies/

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