Search engine optimization for network marketing lead generation is an area that has been surrounded in mystery and myths for most people throughout many years. There are people who understand it very well, and they have success with it in their own companies. So it really is not surprising to see so many people approaching SEO from diverse angles. Writing information for sites to rank in search engines like yahoo is but one such area. Some suspect that it is best to write this content specifically for the search engine crawlers. At the time of this writing, in 2011, that approach really should be all but extinct yet it isn?t for very many people.
What Google has been saying for so long, and has shown in their latest algorithm change, is to write content for the users ? use leadership qualities, persay, in your writing. People see your site hoping to discover useful info. What they want to avoid are articles or pieces of content that obviously pander to the search engines like google (SEO articles). This approach is commonly adopted because of not having enough information or obtaining the right perspective. Whenever you write just for your target audience, you?ll start to see a lot of good stuff happen to your site, like a boost in the ratings.
Bear in mind that Google is observing the amount of time visitors remain at your article marketing site. That metric is called, bounce rate, and it informs Google a lot about your site. If visitors are only on the site for a minute and then leave, Google will determine that your site isn?t relevant or on target for that keyword. This is definitely not good info for you. Concurrently, Google is prone to give you a good SEO rating if people are spending a lot of time on your pages. Everything unites in the end.
Your ability to successfully write for your audience, and give them what they want, is rooted in solid niche research. The way to do that well is to study all you can about your target audience and market and then give them what they really want. When you?ve got the right demographics, you will subsequently be able to better deduce the issues they have. If you take some time to go to forums that your target market spends time in, you can get a good handle on their difficulties. This helps to put you in a good location to write about their situations and doubts.
Your articles can only be helped by this sort of focused content conception. The content and articles will actually be super relevant to your audience, which can be determined by Google through one of their algorithms. Google?s spiders can read your content and obtain importance from it. The only real way you can achieve that kind of writing is when you are informed about the subject. Add that with the bounce rate and Google can easily tell for sure if your site content actually is relevant.
Posted by Dan on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 1:38 pm?
Filed under Article Marketing ? Tagged with Algorithm, Amount Of Time, Angles, article marketing, Bounce, Crawlers, Good Stuff, Google, Lead Generation, Leadership Qualities, Marketing Lead, Myths, Network Marketing, Niche, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engines, Search Google, Search Optimization, seo, Target Audience
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